The purpose of this blog is to bring to light many crazy comments found on internet news articles. Most people just read the article; I read the comments and I post some of the crazy one's here for you. Enjoy. I know I have



Tuesday, April 6, 2010

IRS time

I normally would have wanted to wait until April 15th but this one is too juicy. The crazies really came out for this one.

"IRS – greedy income stealing institution, costs economy $265 billion and 7 billion hours per year to comply with, destroys real jobs, employs more investigative units than the CIA and FBI combined, divides Americans into groups, discriminating 47,000 IRS pages, etc.
Go Obama! Keep screwing the American people over in your tax and destroy agenda.

I love it that its Obama that created the IRS. GO CIVICS 101!

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