Allow me to introduce myself. I am a 18-35 year old male who lives in the United States. I'm also a news junkie. I read right, left, center, geekie, normal, sports, whatever; as long as its news I read it. Something I have been finding lately is the comments are getting crazier and crazier. Seriously crazy. I started posting some on my other
blog. After discussion with my wife, I'm starting a new blog where I plan to post at least once a day crazy comments, as well as links to the original article that caused them.
So for the
first postis this one: Here's the comment for that article.
MontanaClearly, this is one more sign of Jesus' return. The end is near, the lord has risen, and most dumbocrat fools will try to explain this away as some sort of "tectonic activity". See what happens when you elect an Islamic anti-christ to be your leader. It happened in New Orleans to wash the gays from the streets, and in Haiti to purge their devil worshippers from the ranks. Now it is happening in the state of caliFORNICATION! But no, it's just the earth's plates moving away from each other at the rate of a growing fingernail the non-believers will say. Prove it, I say. The earth is 6,137 years old. At 2.2 inches per year, Africa did not seperate from South America a distance of 3,897 miles! This is god's final warning to the immoral degradation of his chosen land the U.S.A. (In GOD we trust! One nation under GOD). Progressivism has destroyed all that God's word once stood for, now the liberals will pay the price for supporting Allah Obama's (false gawd's) communistic health care "reform" the passage of which sickens lord Jesus! Soon the rapture and only the righteous will be spared! AMEN!!!
So Foxnews, you get the first of many posts. Now you deceide if Zoobie555 is crazy
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